Now, when i got back to university , i realized i miss so much the people i worked with.My best boss took me back one time and i was so happy.Now i don't know if he will take me back again,but i want this so much.I miss the people i worked with almost a half of last year and i want so much to get back to them but now my big problem are my exams.I'm thinking now that going back to work will be hard and will ruin my plans about
America.In order to go to America i have to take all my exams, and if i go home now i don't know if i can do this.On the other side when i stay here i basically dont go to university because i want to sleep:).Last 2 weeks here were awesome, i can even say that my life started from a new page. First time we went to club together with the new guys.They have opened to me from another side and now we're closer than we were before.T